Creating better tomorrows for all pet rabbits

The UK’s largest organisation for rabbit lovers!

Despite being one of the most popular pets, rabbits are amongst the most neglected, with a vast proportion living out their days confined to a hutch, alone and unable to display the behaviours they would show in the wild.

We aim to improve domestic rabbits’ health and welfare through campaigning, education and the most up-to-date advice. If you are a rabbit owner or thinking of becoming one, there is a huge amount of information on these pages.

Why not get involved?

Be part of something bigger that’s making a difference nationwide.

You can start your membership here.

Our latest campaigns

Here at the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund, we’ve been instrumental in changing perceptions about rabbits as pets.

Our work has helped more people understand that rabbits have complicated needs. They aren’t cheap, easy children’s pets that can be locked in a small hutch at the bottom of the garden. There’s still a long way to go, so we’ll keep making our voice heard to help domestic rabbits live the fulfilling lives they deserve.

Help us today!

Please donate £2 a month to help more rabbits live happy, contented lives.

A Hutch Is Not Enough

At the Rabbit Welfare and Fund, we’re determined to make life better for rabbits. Our message, A Hutch Is Not Enough sums up that popping a lone rabbit in a small hutch at the bottom of the garden doesn’t really make the grade for kind, thoughtful and healthy welfare.

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Neglecting Rabbits

Breeding Amnesty

The UK is experiencing the worst rabbit rescue crisis ever. Rescue centres are struggling to cope with the amount of rabbits currently being abandoned, mistreated or surrendered.

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Rabbit News

Rabbit Health


Regarding the inadvertent presence of permethrin in a brand of cat flea control products, it’s worth reviewing the situation for rabbits. This chemical is very

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How to donate

Like to make a one off donation, or a regular monthly donation? It’s easy, let’s get going.

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